The Passport Program is designed to support people in Ontario with a developmental disability over 18 years of age and who need support to fully participate in their community. Passport is considered individualized or direct funding which means people can choose how to best use the funds based on their individual interests and needs.
The Passport program is administered by Developmental Services Ontario or the DSO and is a reimbursement program funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services.
If you are eligible for adult developmental services, you could also be eligible for Passport funding in the amount of $5,500 a year or more, up to a total of $44,275.00. This funding can help you participate in community services and supports, daily living activities, and person-directed planning.
Applying for Passport Funding
- Adults 18 years or older with a developmental disability are eligible. A student aged 16 or 17 may apply to Passport while they are still in school, but the application cannot be funded until the person has turned 18.
- Funding depends on available resources, so apply as early as possible.
- To access services in your community, including Passport funding, you must first connect with Developmental Services Ontario (DSO). Visit dsontario.ca to find your local DSO office. Staff will help you complete an application package to assess your needs and connect you with available services and supports through your local agency. If you are deemed eligible for DS services and supports, you may request a referral to the Passport program to apply for Passport funding. Every qualifying individual will receive at least $5,500 in Passport funding each year. Your local Passport office will determine if you are eligible for additional funding.

Passport Funding can be used for:
- help with connecting to programming in your community,
- taking courses to develop life and employment skills,
- hiring a support worker or accessing respite services,
- person-directed planning and Independent Facilitation.
MCCSS has created guidelines on what you can use your Passport dollars for.
Once your funding amount has been determined you can choose how you would like to have the funds administered:
- Managed by a Local Agency:
- Self-Managed:
Filing your Passport Claims
Filing your Passport Claims
Passport is a reimbursement program which means you will submit receipts and PassportOne will reimburse you for your expenses.
If you choose to have your funds managed by a local agency they will submit your receipts.
If you have chosen to self-administer your funds you can file your passport claims in a number of ways:
- By mail or fax,
- Web-based platforms which include: e-CLAIM and My Direct Plan (MDP).
Using eCLAIM or MDP will help you receive your payment more quickly than sending in a claim by email, fax or in the mail. |
Visit https://passportfunding.ca/filing-claims to learn more about filing your passport claims.